National Send A Card To A Friend Day
We all lead busy lives, and as a result, we sometimes forget to show the people around us just how much they mean to us. It’s not that we don’t care about them; we just get caught up in our lives. We’re busy working, raising kids, keeping our homes running, and managing a million other daily tasks that occupy our attention.
It would do many of us some good if we were able to take a few moments to let our friends know just how important they are to us, and that’s where National Send A Card To A Friend Day can help. This holiday is observed on February 7th and encourages everyone to send a card to at least one friend. Sometimes, the simple act of reaching out can make all the difference in the world in helping people reconnect with one another.
Fun Facts About Greeting Cards
Below is a list of facts that we’d like to share with everyone about greeting cards. We think they complement this holiday perfectly.
- Approximately 9 out of 10 U.S. households send at least one greeting card a year.
- On average, 30 individual greeting cards per household are sent out each year.
- The average person will receive 20 greeting cards for various occasions over the course of a year.
Observing National Send A Card To A Friend Day
The key to celebrating this holiday is taking the time to reconnect with current and/or past friends. This can be done by buying a store-bought card and mailing it off to a friend, or you can make your own card. You can also reach out to friends online using the hashtag #NationalSendACardToAFriendDay or, more simply, #SendACardToAFriend. There are many different ways to reach out to your friends; you just have to take the time to do it.