National Stop Bullying Day

National Stop Bullying Day is an observance day that falls on the second Wednesday in October and is designed to raise awareness about bullying. This holiday aims to bring together parents, students, and teachers in a way that helps them reduce the incidence of bullying in schools or online.

Although this day was initially conceived to reduce bullying among children, many people have also begun to observe this holiday to address workplace bullying as well.

The History of National Stop Bullying Day

This holiday was started in 2009 when 18 sixth-grade students from St. Stanislaus Kostka in Michigan City, Indiana, declared the second Wednesday of every October as National Stop Bullying Day. They also declared the entire week of October as National Stop Bullying Week and the week that follows as Bullying Bystanders Unite Week.

The Facts About Bullying

Now that we know there’s a holiday dedicated to stamping out bullying in schools, online, and in every other place where it might exist, it might be worth taking a look at what researchers know about bullying and its impact on people—both children and adults alike.

The Effects of Bullying

Bullying not only affects those who are bullied but also those who witness the bullying. This can have negative impacts on these individuals’ mental health and lead to higher incidences of substance use and abuse, and even suicide.

Children who are bullied experience increased feelings of loneliness, isolation, and sadness, which may lead to changes in sleep and eating patterns.

Another impact of bullying is that it might cause a person to lose interest in activities they would ordinarily enjoy, decrease academic achievement, and develop health complaints linked to stress and anxiety.

Bullying Affects Bullies, Too

Children who are bullied or who witness bullying aren’t the only ones affected by it. More and more studies show that it can have a negative effect on children who engage in bullying as well.

Children who are bullies are more likely to develop drug or alcohol abuse problems as they grow up, are more likely to engage in fights or vandalize property, and are more likely to drop out of school. Bullies are also more likely to have run-ins with the law and be abusive toward their domestic partners or children when they grow up.

Observing National Stop Bullying Day

This holiday is observed nationwide with various schools and organizations organizing events around it. These events encourage communities, schools, and various organizations to work together to stop both school bullying and cyberbullying — as well as put an end to hatred, discrimination, and racism.

Individuals can also celebrate this holiday by taking the time to talk about bullying with their children or participating in anti-bullying programs that might exist at their neighborhood schools. People can also use the hashtag #NationalStopBullyingDay on their social media accounts to raise awareness of the issue.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 8 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
October 14 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
October 9 Wednesday
Awareness & Cause