National Sugar Cookie Day

For many people all over the world, sugar cookies are a classic. They’re cookies that are enjoyed around the holidays and are simple enough for most people to make. It’s also a cookie that has been honored with its own holiday. The holiday that celebrates these simple but tasty cookies is called National Sugar Cookie Day and is celebrated on July 9th every year.

The History Of Sugar Cookies

As is often the case, we were unable to find the origin of this holiday, so we had to settle for talking about the history of the cookie instead. Although most people might not realize it, sugar cookies have been around for quite a long time, and we do mean a long time. We’re going to delve into some of that history here, so everyone can obtain a better appreciation for these cookies.

Many historians believe the first modern sugar cookie was made during the eighteenth century in Pennsylvania. They were created by Protestant settlers who formed the cookies in the shape of a keystone—which just so happened to be the state’s symbol. However, these sugar cookies weren’t created out of thin air. They owe their existence to a cookie that was circulating in Europe for hundreds of years. These early sugar cookies weren’t like modern cookies, but they were close enough to be considered the prototype for our beloved sugar cookies.

Facts About Sugar Cookies

During our research, we’ve uncovered some interesting facts about sugar cookies. Facts that we think most sugar cookie fans are going to appreciate.

  • In England, cookies are called biscuits, and in Spain, cookies are called galletas.
  • In Germany, cookies are called either Plätzchen or Kekse, and in Italy, they’re known as either amaretti or biscotti.
  • Sugar is one of the main ingredients in sugar cookies, and approximately 171+ million tons of raw sugar are manufactured worldwide every year. Only a tiny fraction is used for sugar cookies, though.
  • Over 50% of Americans prefer homemade cookies to store-bought ones.
  • 33% of Americans say that they eat cookies more than once a week.
  • Christmas cookies were first made during the Middle Ages.

Celebrating National Sugar Cookie Day

National Sugar Cookie Day is a lot of fun to celebrate. All a person has to do is to make their sugar cookies or buy a brand that they like the most. They can simply eat a couple of sugar cookies with a tall glass of milk, or work sugar cookies into another dessert recipe such as Sugar Cookie Cupcakes or Sugar Cookie Cheesecake Bars. And while a person is busy celebrating this holiday, they should use the hashtag #NationalSugarCookieDay on all of their social media accounts to let everyone else know that they should join in on all of the fun.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 9 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
July 9 Thursday
Last year (2024)
July 9 Tuesday
Food & Drinks