National Swimming Pool Day

National Swimming Pool Day is a holiday observed annually on July 11th that encourages everyone to enjoy taking a dip in a swimming pool. This day should not be confused with Pool Opening Day, a holiday observed in April that celebrates the opening of the first pools.

No, this holiday takes place during the height of summer. It is a day for people to head out and enjoy the cool recreation that pools provide. Of course, before people do that, they should make sure they are familiar with pool safety and all that it entails. After all, this is supposed to be a fun day and not one that courts tragedy.

The History of National Swimming Pool Day

Ancient civilizations were some of the first to enjoy swimming pools. In both Greece and Rome, there were elaborate public baths and swimming pools for people to enjoy.

The Greeks used many of these man-made pools for competitions and athletic training, while the Romans used constructed pools for swimming and hot tubs. Many of these pools were constructed out of stone and were fed by aqueducts or natural mineral springs.

During the Middle Ages, swimming became less popular. This was primarily due to the belief that swimming was immoral and led to sin. However, some noble families continued to use private swimming pools not only for recreation but also for bathing.

Swimming pools came back into vogue during the 18th century, and over the years, their popularity continued to rise. Swimming really became popular during the 20th century, and as a result, pools were built all over the world.

Thanks to the continued development of concrete and fiberglass technology, a wider variety of elaborate pools could be constructed. National Swimming Pool Day was not invented until 2016.

This is when an unknown person or organization decided there should be a holiday dedicated to swimming pools. It has been observed ever since by enthusiastic pool-goers who head out to enjoy wading in the cool waters of their favorite pool.

Observing National Swimming Pool Day

This is a great day to go swimming, install a new swimming pool, or have your own swimming pool cleaned out. It is also a good day for just lounging around the pool, maybe enjoying a drink or two, and soaking up the summer sun.

No matter how a person celebrates this day, there is one thing they should do, and that is spread the word about this day online using the hashtag #NationalSwimmingPoolDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 11 Friday
Next year (2026)
July 11 Saturday
Last year (2024)
July 11 Thursday
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