National Take The Stairs Day

According to the latest research, taking the stairs every day instead of an elevator is a powerful way for many people to maintain their health. Walking up stairs burns approximately 11 kcal of energy per minute, strengthens legs, and can improve the amount of good cholesterol in a person’s blood.

In fact, studies show that walking just two flights of stairs per day can lead to up to 6 pounds of weight loss per year. All of these are good reasons why people should take the stairs whenever they can. And a holiday that emphasizes this point is National Take the Stairs Day — a holiday that’s observed every second Wednesday in January.

The History of National Take the Stairs Day

This holiday was originally created by the American Lung Association sometime around 2016. It began as a campaign to raise money for people with respiratory diseases by encouraging people to do something that would benefit their health. This holiday has since taken on a life of its own and is now celebrated every year by people who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Some Facts About Stairs

We’re talking about a holiday that encourages people to take the stairs, so naturally, we’re going to list some facts about stairs that we think everyone should know. Let’s take a look at these facts below.

  • The first steps ever made were over 6,000 years ago from tree trunks.
  • Climbing stairs is classified as vigorous exercise.
  • According to statistics, single people are more likely to fall down steps than married people.
  • In 1948, stairs were installed in the White House.

Observing National Take the Stairs Day

The name of this holiday should be enough of a clue to most people as to how it’s supposed to be celebrated. This is a day on which people are encouraged to take the stairs when they can. It doesn’t have to be 20 flights of stairs either.

Even taking a single flight of stairs can have a positive effect on a person’s health — if it’s done every day. And that’s sort of the point of this holiday. It shouldn’t be just a one-day event but should be the beginning of a healthier lifestyle and daily stair climbing.

While people are observing this holiday, we encourage them to encourage others to observe National Take the Stairs Day. The best way to do that is to spread the word about this holiday. This can be done by telling friends and family members about this day, or it can be done through social media using the hashtag #TakeTheStairsDay.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 8 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
January 14 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
January 10 Wednesday
Activity & Action, Health & Body