National Tweed Day

This name of an ensemble of clothing can mean something different depending on where you are. If in the UK, it typically means a day at the races, but to celebrate all things Tweed, we need to take a look at the man of the same name as well. William “Boss” Tweed. Typically from Scotland, the fabric is more famous than the man to most, so let’s find out a little more…

What Is National Tweed Day?

A wealthy man of his time, William “Boss” Tweed was born on April 3rd. The face of corruption and known as one of the most infamous American criminals, he was caught having stolen millions in public money (remember, this is in the 1800s) and jailed in 1878, where he later died.

However, we’re going to concentrate on a combination of the man and the durable fabric with its rough texture, combined with the lightweight feel and iconic Scottish roots. It is seen as a bit of a farmer’s attire, often because of its hardy feel and insulated warmth. Think Sherlock Holmes, and you will find a lot of Tweed.

When it comes to Boss Tweed, he has been the subject of many movies and is no stranger to the big screen. The fascinating life of the man means it is no surprise that he has been portrayed by the likes of Jim Broadbent in Martin Scorsese’s film Gangs of New York. Some of the other adaptations featuring the man have disappeared into obscurity, but the legend still lives on.

Despite the day falling on the birthday of the man, a lot of people celebrate the clothing as well. Although this can be confusing, the two are entwined via their names, so we don’t mind at all.

How To Observe National Tweed Day

Getting involved can take many forms, with the wearing of Tweed being a good place to start. A tweed jacket might be fine in all sorts of situations, so you don’t have to be going to the races to make it work. Channel your inner Sherlock, double up with some tweed trousers, and see how you can make the look work for you.

Why not delve a little deeper into the life of William “Boss” Tweed? The fascinating life of the man can make for a good read. There are also films depicting the man that can be fun to watch and gain a little knowledge. Use the hashtag #NationalTweedDay to see how everyone else is observing the day. This can be inspiring and can even help to gain knowledge you didn’t have before.

There are plenty of places to buy tweed online (as it can be expensive), but we suggest buying second-hand. The hardy textile is likely to have plenty of use in it still, and the savings are going to be worth it. Wear it with pride, tell others about the day to spread the word, and educate them on the notorious man of the same name.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 3 Thursday
Next year (2026)
April 3 Friday
Last year (2024)
April 3 Wednesday