National Upsy Daisy Day

At first glance, National Upsy Daisy Day may not seem very clear in terms of how it should be celebrated. After all, the term “upsy-daisy” is traditionally used to express encouragement to a child who is being lifted or has just fallen. Then it hit us: the purpose of this holiday is to encourage all of us to “upsy-daisy” ourselves. It’s a day on which we encourage ourselves to get up and face whatever challenges we’re facing. On June 8th, we will all get out of bed and face our days with renewed resolve.

The History of National Upsy Daisy Day

National Upsy Daisy Day was created in 2003 by Stephanie West Allen. She wanted to create a holiday that expresses positivity and encourages people to face their life challenges with a positive attitude and humor.

Observing National Upsy Daisy Day

National Upsy Daisy Day is a holiday that encourages everyone to be positive and to work towards their dreams. We all face challenges in our lives, and these challenges can make it hard for us to want to get out of bed in the morning. However, most of us will find that getting out of bed is the first step towards a successful day, and for that reason, we all should practice this holiday in spirit, not just on this day but all year round. While you’re observing this holiday, don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalUpsyDaisyDay on your social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 8 Sunday
Next year (2026)
June 8 Monday
Last year (2024)
June 8 Saturday
Fun & Joy, Lifestyle