National Work Like A Dog Day

When we researched National Work Like A Dog Day, we realized that it could be celebrated in two different ways. First, it can be used to honor those people who always put in extra work to ensure that the job is done correctly. Second, it can be celebrated by honoring the service animals who work tirelessly at the jobs we humans give them: from sniffing out drugs at the airport to clearing improvised explosive devices in a war zone. Regardless of which way you intend to observe this holiday, be sure to celebrate it on August 5th.

Fun Facts About Work Dogs

Let’s take a few moments out of our National Work Like A Dog Day celebrations to talk a little bit about service dogs. As we put together this holiday, we came across some interesting facts about working dogs, and we’d like to share some of these facts below. We hope that you enjoy them.

  • Most working dogs begin training between the ages of 12 and 18 months.
  • The use of working dogs for dangerous or undesirable jobs has increased over the past few years.
  • Most working dogs are not pets and should not be treated as such.
  • Police dogs undergo training throughout their entire working lifetime.

Observing National Work Like A Dog Day

Observing National Work Like A Dog Day is simple enough if you don’t overthink it. Simply pay homage to the working dogs or humans who put in the extra effort to get things done. While you’re celebrating, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalWorkLikeADogDay on your social media accounts as well. After all, everyone deserves some recognition when they do a good job—regardless of whether they’re human or a dog.

When is it?
This year (2025)
August 5 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
August 5 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
August 5 Monday
Work & Occupation