Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day

Rare diseases often don’t receive the awareness they deserve, which is why many will celebrate Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day on May 31st. It affects the soft tissues of the skin and can spread quickly if not caught early. This is why we want to help spread the word, so others may recognize the symptoms early.

What Is Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day?

Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare skin infection where bacteria enter the body through wounds such as a bite, burn, a wound caused by a surgical procedure, or a puncture, providing an entry point for it to spread. It is often caused by group A streptococcus. Recognizing symptoms can be lifesaving.

The infection can be caught early by recognizing the following symptoms:

  • The skin is warm to the touch near the wound
  • The skin might feel tender
  • You may have symptoms of the flu or a fever
  • The body may ache

These are the early symptoms, but the condition can change quite fast. It can lead to fatigue, skin color changes, dizziness, and oozing from the infected area.

It is important to consult a doctor if you experience the above symptoms. It is vital that anyone who has recently had surgery follows the surgeon’s instructions for after-care to prevent infection.

Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day is about raising awareness and supporting those who suffer from the disease.

How To Observe Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day

You can donate to a cause such as, which is also a valuable resource for information. This organization has saved the lives of many and will continue to do so with your help.

Because it is a rare disease, not many people are aware of the symptoms. This can be a good time to spread the word on May 31st using the hashtag #NecrotizingFasciitisAwarenessDay.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 31 Saturday
Next year (2026)
May 31 Sunday
Last year (2024)
May 31 Friday
Awareness & Cause, Health & Body