Recreation Day

Observed annually on the first Monday in November in Tasmania, Australia, Recreation Day is a holiday in which people are encouraged to take the day off and relax. No one is really sure what the original purpose of this holiday was in a historical context, but it is a day that took shape after the Bank Holidays Act went into effect in 1989.

Some people say that the holiday is supposed to even out the bank holidays across Tasmania since the people in the south have a day off for Regatta Day. This ensures that everyone in Tasmania has the same number of bank holidays.

Facts About Tasmania

Because Recreation Day is celebrated in Tasmania—an island state of Australia—we thought we’d go ahead and list some of the facts about this state that people might be curious about. So, let’s jump in with both feet and learn some new things about Tasmania. What do you say?

  • Aboriginals have lived in Tasmania for over 35,000 years.
  • The first European explorer to reach Tasmania was Dutch explorer Abel Tasman on November 24, 1642.
  • Tasmania has some of the cleanest air in the entire world.
  • Approximately 20% of Tasmania is the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
  • Tasmania has rainforests.
  • Tasmania has over 2,000 kilometers of walking trails and 18 national parks in total.
  • The highest mountain in Tasmania is Mount Ossa.

Observing Recreation Day

Since this holiday falls on a Monday, it’s the perfect time for people to take a three-day holiday to visit relatives or to enjoy nature. This is also a day when banks, schools, and many businesses are closed.

It’s also a good day to catch up on household chores or to run errands. While observing this holiday, people can use the hashtag #RecreationDay on their social media accounts to spread the word about it.

Where is it celebrated?
Australia (State holiday) - Tasmania*
When is it?
This year (2025)
November 3 Monday
Next year (2026)
November 2 Monday
Last year (2024)
November 4 Monday