Republic Day in South Sudan

Republic Day is a holiday observed in South Sudan on December 28th each year. It is celebrated in South Sudan but is not recognized as a public holiday. South Sudan, also known as the Republic of South Sudan, is a landlocked Central African country bordered by Ethiopia, Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This holiday falls on the day Southern Sudan’s constitution was promulgated in December 2005. Under the 2011 transitional constitution, the country would become a republic—with executive power vested in the president and vice president.

Facts About South Sudan

Below are some facts about South Sudan that we have learned over the course of our research on this holiday. Let’s take a quick look at them before continuing with this article, and we will talk about how this holiday is celebrated.

  • In 2016, South Sudan suffered a 309% rate of inflation—one of the highest in the world.
  • South Sudan has a low GDP, despite its oil wealth.
  • Business growth is slow in South Sudan, primarily due to the lack of basic infrastructure.
  • South Sudan has an area of 644,329 square kilometers.
  • The country has a population of approximately 10.9 million people.
  • The capital of South Sudan is Juba.

Observing Republic Day in South Sudan

Although Republic Day is not celebrated as an official public holiday—meaning that businesses and government offices remain open—it is celebrated among the general public.

On this day, there are political speeches, festivals, and other activities in South Sudan. The hashtag used to spread the word about this holiday on social media is #RepublicDaySouthSudan.

Where is it celebrated?
South Sudan (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
December 28 Sunday
Next year (2026)
December 28 Monday
Last year (2024)
December 28 Saturday