Saint Leopold’s Day

Observed in Austria on November 15, St. Leopold’s Day is a holiday that commemorates the death of the Margrave of Austria on this date in 1136. The Margrave, or Prince in English, was Leopold III, who is known for founding several monasteries in the region and for the growth of the cities of Vienna, Krems, and Klosterneuburg.

November 15 was established as his feast day on the German liturgical calendar, and he was canonized by Pope Innocent VIII in 1485. This day is also known colloquially as Goose Day because it is traditional to serve a roast goose for dinner on this holiday.

Facts About Leopold III

During our research on St. Leopold’s Day, we came across some interesting facts about Leopold III, the Margrave of Austria. We have decided to include those facts below for everyone’s entertainment.

  • Leopold III was born in 1073 in Melk, Austria.
  • He succeeded his father as Margrave of Austria when he was just 23 years old.
  • He died on November 15, 1136, in Klosterneuburg Abbey in Lower Austria.
  • He was canonized on January 6, 1485.

Observing St. Leopold’s Day in Austria

This holiday is observed with religious ceremonies, festivals, and other such events. People use the holiday to spend time with friends and family members, and a roasted goose is often served for the last meal of the day.

The hashtag #SaintLeopoldsDay can be used on social media to spread the word about this holiday. Because it is a public holiday in Austria, many people are given the day off, and schools, government offices, and businesses are closed for the day.

Where is it celebrated?
Austria (State holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
November 15 Saturday
Next year (2026)
November 15 Sunday
Last year (2024)
November 15 Friday