Saskatchewan Day

In Saskatchewan, there are 10 statutory holidays that are observed every year, but one of the more important ones is Saskatchewan Day. This public holiday is observed on the first Monday in August in the province and is its civic holiday. Each of Canada’s different provinces has its own civic holidays, and each one represents different things.

In Saskatchewan, this extra day off is because prairie winters are extremely long and harsh, and its summers are brief, so the powers that be thought that an additional day off for the general public would be appropriate and allow families to get together with one another and enjoy the great outdoors before the weather turns again.

The History of Saskatchewan Day

This holiday was first approved in June 1975. It was conceived as a way to introduce another long weekend to the list of statutory holidays, so families can enjoy time with one another.

It also made the holiday uniform across the province, so different communities didn’t celebrate their civic holiday on different dates in August. It should also be mentioned that 1975 was the 70th anniversary of the creation of Saskatchewan Province, so it was quite appropriate to pass that holiday on that date.

Observing Saskatchewan Day

This holiday is observed all across Saskatchewan. People use the extra day off to enjoy time outdoors and do it before summer ends and winter creeps upon them. It’s a day to hike, camp, and engage in other outdoor activities. It’s also a good day, in our estimation, to enjoy some Spudnuts, Perogies, Dry Ribs, or some other delicious meal.

It’s also a good day to use the hashtag #SaskatchewanDay on social media to spread the word about this holiday. Winter hits quickly in Saskatchewan, so this holiday is a good way to get in some quick summer fun while a person can.

Where is it celebrated?
Canada (Common local holiday) - Saskatchewan
When is it?
This year (2025)
August 4 Monday
Next year (2026)
August 3 Monday
Last year (2024)
August 5 Monday