Second Half Of The Year Day

What a lot of people don’t realize is that the 1st of July is about halfway through the year. In fact, it’s the 182nd day of the year, which if you divide the total number of days in the year (365) by two you’ll get. Okay, actually, if you divide a year in two it would be 182.5 days, but that’s of little concern to us today.

What is our prime concern is that this day is a special holiday that people all around the world can observe. This holiday is called Second Half of the Year Day and it’s a holiday that can be observed from noon onward on July 1st.

The History Of The Second Half Of The Year Day

This really isn’t a holiday as much as it is an observance. A day that people have marked on their calendars as the literal middle of the year. People have been doing this ever since the invention of the Gregorian calendar.

Of course, the 1st of July is known for being more than just the middle of the year. There are actually quite a few things that have happened on this day over the years, and we’re going to take a look at some of these events right now.

Events That Happened On July 1st

Below are some events that happened at the midpoint of the year. Although some of the events that fall on July 1st we already know about, there are others that caught us by complete surprise, so let’s look at the following events and see why July 1st is such an interesting holiday.

  • The first vote of the U.S. Declaration of Independence took place on this date in 1776.
  • In 1810, Louis Napoleon abdicates as the king of the Netherlands.
  • In 1839, Abdul-Medjid succeeds Mahmud II as the Ottoman Empire’s Sultan.
  • In 1861, the 1st public schoolhouse in the U.S opens in San Francisco.

Observing The Second Half Of The Year Day

This is the perfect time of the year for people to plan out the rest of their year. It’s also a good day for people to learn about all of the events that happened on July 1st throughout history.

We only included a few of the remarkable events that happened on this day, so it’s up to people to find out the rest for themselves. Which we encourage people to do. We also encourage people to spread the word about this holiday (observance?) around the world by using the hashtag #SecondHalfOfTheYearDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 1 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
July 1 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
July 1 Monday