Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Sweet Potato Awareness Month is observed in November, and frankly, we understand why it would be observed during this month. November is the month during which Thanksgiving is observed, and sweet potatoes play a prominent role in the celebration of that holiday.

Throughout the month, you can watch people make dishes such as Candied Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Potato Casserole, and Sweet Potato Pie. Anyone who’s a fan of enjoying these dishes during this month might want to try to celebrate it. All a person needs is a bunch of sweet potatoes, some good sweet potato recipes, and a desire to make some great dishes.

The History of Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Unfortunately, we were unable to find out who created this month. We looked high and low and just couldn’t uncover the genius behind this month’s creation. We’ll continue to search for it, but until we do, we’ll just have to go on without a discussion of Sweet Potato Awareness Month by discussing some cool facts about sweet potatoes.

Some Sweet Facts About Sweet Potatoes

If there’s anything that we like more than sweet potatoes, it’s sweet potato facts. We’ve searched the Internet and come up with facts that we think sweet potato lovers all over the world are going to appreciate. Let’s take a closer look at them.

  • One cup of sweet potatoes provides 4 grams of protein, 6.6 grams of fiber, 769% of a person’s daily allowance of vitamin A, and 65% of the daily value of vitamin C.
  • A cup of sweet potatoes also contains manganese, potassium, copper, and niacin.
  • A cup of sweet potatoes has fewer than 200 calories.
  • Sweet potatoes promote the proliferation of healthy gut bacteria.
  • Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants that might protect against some types of cancer.
  • Sweet potatoes are believed to lower inflammation, which can enhance brain function.
  • It’s believed that sweet potatoes also help to support a person’s immune system.
  • The official vegetable of North Carolina is the sweet potato.
  • Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin E, iron, and B6.
  • It takes a transplanted sweet potato approximately 120 days before it can be harvested.

Observing Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Let’s all get together and get some sweet potatoes ready for Sweet Potato Awareness Month. There are dozens upon dozens of recipes that utilize these root vegetables, and it appears as if new ones are added on a daily basis. After finishing up with all their sweet potato creations, people should make sure to use the hashtag #SweetPotatoAwarenessMonth on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
November 1 Saturday
Next year (2026)
November 1 Sunday
Last year (2024)
November 1 Friday
Food & Drinks