Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

May 1st is observed annually as Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day. As the name of this holiday suggests, it is a day for people to treat themselves to a therapeutic massage. It’s also a good day for people to give thanks to the massage professionals who perform massage therapy.

Researchers have discovered that reducing muscle tension and pain isn’t the only benefit of this form of massage. It also reduces stress, improves sleep, relieves migraines and other headaches, and can help people cope with conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia.

It is for these reasons alone that we think more people should take the time to observe this holiday and learn more about therapeutic massage.

The History of Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

Although therapeutic massage has been around, in one form or another, for thousands of years, it wasn’t until 2014 that it would receive its own holiday. Once it was finally created, it was capable of really making a difference in many people’s lives.

Since the release of this holiday, more and more people are learning about the benefits of therapeutic massage and are capitalizing on it. There is still a lot of work to do, however. Some people are still not aware of the types of therapeutic massage that are available to them. Hopefully, that will change as time goes by.

Some Quick & Amazing Facts About Massage Therapy

Okay, we ask that everyone reading this holiday article right now answer one question: How much do you know about massage therapy? Now, most people will say that they don’t know a whole lot about it.

Sure, they’ll admit that they know it’s used in physical therapy, but they will probably also admit that is the extent of their knowledge. That’s why we decided to do a ton of research and list some of the things that we learned about massage therapy.

  • Massage therapy is capable of lowering blood pressure.
  • Massage therapy can also improve the lymphatic system and the immune system.
  • Massage therapy can reduce cortisol levels. This is why it can relieve stress and many forms of headaches.

Observing Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

This is a holiday during which people can take the time to learn more about therapeutic massage, can spread the word about it, or a day for people to take the time to gain access to therapeutic massage on their own.

Everyone wishing to spread the news about this holiday can do so by using the hashtag #TherapeuticMassageAwarenessDay on social media. And the final way for people to observe this holiday is for them to take the time to thank a therapeutic massage specialist who has really made a difference in their lives.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 1 Thursday
Next year (2026)
May 1 Friday
Last year (2024)
May 1 Wednesday
Health & Body