Turkmen Racing Horse Festival

Observed annually in Turkmenistan on April 25th, the Turkmen Racing Horse Festival is a holiday that coincides with Turkmen Horse Day and celebrates a particular horse breed. This breed is known as the Akhal-Teke, and it is one of the oldest horse breeds in the world, native to Turkmenistan.

The Akhal-Teke is renowned for its speed, intelligence, and endurance. Due to their shiny coat, these horses have been dubbed “Golden Horses,” and they are even depicted on the flag of Turkmenistan. It is no wonder that this holiday is significant in the country.

Facts About The Akhal-Teke

For those who are not particularly familiar with horses, the Akhal-Teke may be a new discovery. We thought it would be worthwhile to share some information about these amazing horses. As one of the rarest horse breeds in the world, they are known for their strength and endurance, making them a subject of interest for many. Let’s spend a few moments discussing these majestic creatures.

  • There are fewer than 7,000 Akhal-Teke horses left in the world, and they are on the Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List.
  • They are the national horse of Turkmenistan.
  • The hair of these horses is extremely fine, which contributes to their metallic sheen.
  • The Akhal-Teke has a smoother trot than other horses due to its unusual gait.
  • They are one of the oldest breeds in the world, with a lineage that can be traced back to the first domesticated horses.
  • In 1885, Russia established an Akhal-Teke registry to introduce the breed to the rest of the world.
  • A top-tier Akhal-Teke can sell for as much as $100,000 USD.

Observing Turkmen Racing Horse Festival in Turkmenistan

The holiday is observed throughout Turkmenistan with equestrian exhibitions, fairs, and racing competitions. Although this holiday is significant in the country, it is not a public holiday, so schools and businesses operate according to their normal schedules.

Where is it celebrated?
Turkmenistan (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2025)
April 27 Sunday
Next year (2026)
April 26 Sunday
Last year (2024)
April 28 Sunday