World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on March 15th. It’s not only an international holiday but also a worldwide event that helps educate consumers about their rights. Every person who buys a product or service is entitled to information that will enable them to make an informative decision without worrying about being deceived or manipulated.

And every consumer has a right to file a complaint if they feel that they’re being taken advantage of or aren’t getting what they paid for. And that’s why this holiday is one that we feel most people are going to want to observe.

The History Of World Consumer Rights Day

This holiday was first created in 1983 and it was placed on the 15th day of March because that is when United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy spoke to the United States Congress in 1962. during this speech, he outlined the four rights that every consumer has.

These rights are the right to safety, the right to choose, the right to be informed and the right to be heard. These are the 4 basic rights that consumers have and are the ones being protected by this holiday and consumer rights advocates.

Observing World Consumer Rights Day

Consumer Rights Day is a holiday that’s just waiting for consumers to celebrate it. And this holiday can easily be celebrated by joining a consumer rights group, advocating for consumer rights, or educating someone else or yourself about consumer rights.

People can also share their consumer rights stories on social media using the hashtag #ConsumerRightsDay. Let’s all educate ourselves about consumer rights and then spread the word about it to friends and family members. We also should make sure to take the steps to safeguard consumer protections, not just for ourselves but for anyone who might need them.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 15 Saturday
Next year (2026)
March 15 Sunday
Last year (2024)
March 15 Friday
Awareness & Cause