World Marriage Day

World Marriage Day is a holiday observed on the second Sunday of February each year, and it comes near the end of World Marriage Week. This day was created as part of the Catholic Marriage Encounter movement, and its original purpose was to honor the husband and wife as the basic foundation of the family—and the family as the basic foundation of society.

Although this holiday’s definition of marriage is exclusive and doesn’t historically include same-sex partners, there is no reason why everyone can’t take the opportunity to celebrate their marriage and family. After all, marriage is a universal institution that requires only two people to love and commit to one another to be successful.

The History of World Marriage Day

Worldwide Marriage Encounter can be traced back to 1952 when Father Gabriel Calvo developed a series of conferences for married couples. Each conference included a presentation designed to encourage couples to look deeper into their relationship through honest and intimate conversations.

In 1981, this group created World Marriage Day. According to the creators of this holiday, “World Marriage Day honors the husband and wife as the basic foundation of the family and the family as the basic foundation of society. It also salutes the sacrifice, love, joy, and faithfulness that are key to all marriages.” This holiday has been observed ever since, all around the world.

Interesting Facts About Marriage & Marriage Traditions

To highlight the beauty and universality of marriage, we wanted to list some facts about it that we think will appeal to all of our readers. We found out the following facts while doing research and would like to share them with everyone interested in this holiday.

  • It’s been estimated that the average married couple has sex approximately 70 times a year.
  • Unfortunately, the average married couple spends just 4 minutes a day with one another.
  • Approximately 75% of people who marry partners from an affair end up in divorce.
  • Married people tend to be more productive at work than single people.
  • Trust is one of the most important elements of a happy marriage.

Observing World Marriage Day

This holiday is observed by Catholic couples with a Sunday Mass and by recommitting themselves to their marriage. It is also a good day for couples to renew their vows to one another, take a trip together, or attend one of the many World Marriage Day events held around the world. Word of this holiday can be spread by using the hashtag #WorldMarriageDay online.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 9 Sunday
Next year (2026)
February 8 Sunday
Last year (2024)
February 11 Sunday
Relationships & Family